Being groovy is not just a cool saying, but to me being groovy is a way of life. It started with me as I watched a movie named the City of God with my father back as a teenager. The movie was based on the real life experiences of young Afro-Brazilian men navigating the slums of Rio de Janeiro. A big theme throughout the movie were the young men calling themselves groovies, and this term got became ingrained in my memory. The movie was so captivating to me that I began saying that things were groovy, and eventually this grew into a whole theme within itself.
Being groovy to me just isn’t a cool saying, it’s a lifestyle. It’s kind of wild how it took on this type of connotation, but over the course of the past five years I have been intentional in developing my own sense of being groovy. To me being groovy is about being true to yourself, and true to who you believe yourself to be. In the past few years, I have continued to be reminded that humans are very complex individuals, and while this can be looked at as being disadvantageous, I view it as exciting. As human beings, we are always evolving and learning more about ourselves, which can be a beautiful process if you embrace it. The only constant that we have in this life is change, and the more that you accept this, the more you can be present in the moment. I am a person that likes to stay organized via means of multiple calendars that I use to hold myself accountable, which reflects a bit of my Type A personality traits. While organization and goal setting to me is important, a wise person in undergrad once told me that if you want to make God laugh, then tell Him your plans. For me, I think I make God laugh all the time because I have plans galore, and most of the times nothing goes according to plan, but it ends up even better than I expected. I am not telling you not to have a plan, because you at least have to know where you want to go in order to put one foot in front of the other to begin the movement needed to accomplish your dreams. However, keep in mind that plans might change, and your ability to adapt is important in allowing you to fully embrace and lean into that potential change. If anything, I have found that one of my biggest strengths over the past few years has been the ability to adapt and make the best out of my situation. Had you told me that I would be getting my PhD in Los Angeles two years ago, I would have laughed, not because I did not think I was capable, but because LA seemed like such a distant place.
Now, however, LA is home, and I do not see myself leaving the City of Angels for quite a while. Living in a place like LA is very groovy, and over the course of the almost 11 full months that I have lived here, I have had more time to think about what grooviness means to me.
To me, being groovy has a few components which I will gladly explain below, so get ready! Being groovy is about showing love to others while also being cognizant of the social ills that continue to plague our society. Being groovy is about being able to maintain your own joy, which I do through my faith. Being groovy is also about maintaining happiness, which I consistently do through my running and dancing. Being groovy is about consistently showing up in the work that you do and being your authentic self while getting that work done. Being groovy is being able to look in the mirror and being able to smile at yourself because you keep your word and continue to be honest with yourself. Being groovy is about giving yourself grace and being your biggest supporter and not your biggest enemy. Many times we stop our own selves from going to attempt something because of fear, but I promise on the other side of that fear is fulfilment, even if it is not what you expected. Being groovy is about having direct and honest communication with your friends, family, and anybody else that may be in your life. Being groovy is about being able to maintain some aspects of vulnerability in new situations and potential relationships while also not being desensitized through previous unfilled promises or actions from others that could potentially leave you jaded. Being groovy is realizing that you can only control what you can, and letting God handle the rest with the belief that it will work out as long as you give your best effort. Being groovy is also about having the perspective people are always going to have an opinion about who you are, but that you cannot let that stop you from living in your truth! A fun fact that I learned is that most people who might project negative energy such as jealousy or hating onto you have their own internal battles and insecurities they are working with, and it’s important for you not to internalize their problems.
So, as you continue to move forward in life, I would first recommend checking out City of God, it’s definitely a classic. But more importantly, I would challenge you to define your grooviness in this world, in whatever ways that manifests for you.
What a great explanation of your pursuit of grooviness! I love that self-love and being comfortable in your own skin allows you to extend grace to others who are brought into your orbit. I also am impressed that your faith continues to guide you along a path that nourishes others as you yourself are fed socially and spiritually. Your mother and I are very proud of the man you’ve become and look forward to all the great things that God has in store for you and the world you will impact just by being groovy to the ultimate!