We are currently in unprecedented times with COVID-19, times in which have not been reflected throughout our country in over a century, dating back to the 1918 Spanish Influenza. This virus, which was said to have been first identified in Wuhan, China, has now manifested its symptoms throughout globe with ramifications that include crippling economiesand the livelihoods of many. With currently 3.7 million confirmed cases and growing, the coronavirus is causing hysteria and havoc. This virus has also further highlighted flaws in American society while providing an even greater lens to observe the injustices inflicted amongst marginalized communities, lack of adequate PPE for medical and health care workers, Whitelashes, and a criminal response from the White House amongst other disheartening factors.
For some, coronavirus has opened a deep wound: loneliness, domestic abuse, depression, or battling inner demons. There have even been reports that some lawyers project divorce rates to jump post-quarantine due to partners actually having to deal with their partners and not liking what they see. This virus is forcing people to unhealthy and uncomfortable situations and conditions, conditions in which themselves may be unprecedented.
There have been times when people have stated that they wish the world would just stop, and in many ways, this novel wish has become a reality. In a way, we all are tethered by stillness through many (although some states have relaxed) state ordinances that have advised us to remain inside the house, even if some people have publicly and repeatedly disobeyed their respective ordinances.
While the political commentary can continue, that’s not what this blog is about. In fact, this blog is here to offer you some encouragement during these unprecedented times. It’s a reminder that no matter what is going on, you have the ability toControl What You Can Control. This reminder is not to be callous of those who have lost loved ones, friends, or are subjected to toxic relationships during this crisis. You are doing the best that you can, continue to keep up the work. The fact that you are still alive is proof enough that your life has a purpose, and that you can continue to fulfill it or strive for it while you have breath in your lungs. If you are a health care worker or somebody on the front lines, you are noticed and appreciated. If you are working retail during this time and having to deal with all types of customers, you are noticed and appreciated. If you are a recent graduate who did not have the opportunity to walk the stage, whether you be first or fifth generation, know that you are noticed and appreciated. Also know that there will be a live virtual graduation ceremony by Former President Barack Obama & Forever First Lady Michelle Obama. If you are a single mother or father who is struggling to support your children or even having a hassle dealing with your child, know that you are truly noticed and appreciated. If you feel isolated in your apartment or home, and you feel like you are lonely, reach out, because you are noticed and appreciated as well. Heck, if you are reading this, regardless of your situation, know that you are noticed and appreciated!
When I say Control What You Can Control, I mean that you can only do only control the things that are in front of you. For example, if you have the option to stay inside to help save lives, you can control yourself on staying inside and not endangering others putting their lives on the line by gathering in large groups with friends because you miss the “good times”. Another would be for those who think it’s a good idea to congregate outside and inside the state capital building complaining about your “lack of rights” granted to you by the constitution due to the stay at home order. Everyone’s situation is different right now, and there are some who do not have the privilege to just reflect or type because they are juggling being a parent, worrying about finances, marriages, or other things. Control what You Can Control, and at the end of the day, you know what you can control. Just be honest with yourself. While you’re being honest with yourself, remember to give yourself grace as well, as I stated in my previous blog.
For me, this ideal was instilled in me by both of my parents, whom consistently reminded me that you can control what you can, and God will take care of the rest. As much as I heard this when I was younger, this message did not resonate with me until I entered college and began exploring who I was as a person through pursuing different interests. I realized that I could not both worry and have faith, so for me there came a point where I had to let go of that worry and just handle the things on my plate while leaving the unknown to God. This is how I have personally gone about controlling what I can, and it has worked for me every time that I have flexed this muscle called faith with action.

I am all about speaking life into others, because so many people have spoken life into me. If you feel lonely during this time, even If I don’t know you, please reach out, let’s have a conversation, I promise I will respond. Right now, I have nothing but time, and we all need people to lean on right now, people to talk to. Even if you are a complete stranger who happened to stumble across this post, welcome, and just so you know, strangers can be some of the easiest people to talk to, because they don’t know you, so they won’t be judging you or already have preconceived notions about who you are.
While none of us will come out unscathed from this virus, we can come out stronger, but it starts within. So, while I have said it before, I’ll say it again, Control What You Can.
Peace & Love,
Yours words have encouraged me to reflect on what I have and not on what I don't have during this epidemic -Life. How precious is life. It is the reason above all reasons to continue to live in a world that is selfish and not selfless. We only get one, so let's strive to make a difference in someone else's life. This is exactly what I see you, like many others are doing. Giving purpose, and putting into perspective, amidst our everyday struggles, how our faith help makes us stronger in times like these - Togetherness.
Good sound words TIm! Being seen is so important to human beings, whether that be by man or God (hopefully both). I love your invitation to those who may feel alone to reach out to you, it's a noble gesture and great use of your time. When you speak to those who reach back you'll be able to help them unleash the power in their own lives by redirecting time and energy to those things they cannot change, to areas where they can have the most impact.